March 2005
Relevant Experience for Training to be a Social Worker
Northern Ireland
This information sheet examines the reasons why having relevant
experience is
advantageous to someone who is applying to a degree in social work
course. It provides
examples and contacts for the most effective ways of obtaining social work/social
experience within Northern Ireland. Further information about approved
social work education
and training in Northern Ireland is available from the NISCC website at www.niscc.info
, or by
telephone on 028 90417600.
Why should applicants obtain relevant experience to train to be a Social
Worker in
Northern Ireland?
Applicants need to be able to provide evidence of their commitment and
understanding of
social work when they apply to a social work course. While it is not
essential, having relevant
experience allows applicants to gain some of the personal qualities
suitable for social work
and it will provide awareness of the personal attributes required for
social work. It will also
give applicants lots of practical experience to draw on when making an
application and
attending an interview. It is also an effective way of finding out more
about the different
opportunities in social work and social care, helping them to think
about their future career
and whether or not you want to apply to undertake the Degree Social
Work, the recognised
professional qualification for social work. Also working as a volunteer
or as an unqualified
worker in social work or social care settings can be very satisfying and
makes a valuable
contribution to our community.
Social Work Application
Relevant experience is crucial at the application stage. All short
listed applicants who pass
the university/institutions short listing stage will be asked to write a
600 word statement on
their knowledge and aptitutde for social work. When applicants are
completing their personal
statements, it is important to highlight any experience that they have
obtained to indicate their
knowledge and/or understanding of social work and social services and
explain how their
experience relates to social work. At this stage of the application
process it is vital for
applicants to express their interest in social work, stating clearly
their motivation and reasons
for applying.
Social Work Interview
Relevant experience is equally important at the interview stage. As well
as meeting academic
entry requirements, all applicants being considered for a place on the
Degree in Social Work
in Northern Ireland will be interviewed to assess their potential to train
for social work at
degree level.
At the suitability interview applicants are given the opportunity to
highlight any experience and
knowledge they have about social work. The experience applicants have
gained should help
them to understand some of the rewards and demands of working in a
caring profession. It
should inform their choice of career and provide an opportunity for
applicants to show their
knowledge and understanding of social work and social work services for
· Do applicants understand the role of social workers and social services?
· Can applicants indicate some basic social work skills?
· Have applicants the ability to be flexible and open to new ideas and
· Are applicants able to respect and respond to difference cultures and
· How have applicants obtained these attributes, knowledge and
What are the qualities needed to train to be a Social Worker?
A social worker needs a range of personal qualities such as patience,
tolerance, and the capacity to understand and work with people who often
feel overwhelmed
by the problems they face and by society’s apparent indifference to
them. The role of social
worker is to help people face these painful and distressing problems,
which require that they
be open-minded, and prepared to examine and change their attitudes and
prejudices. They
may need to support people to deal with racism and other forms of
discrimination. Social
workers often work in teams alongside other professionals.
How do I obtain this relevant experience to train to be a Social Worker?
Relevant experience must involve engaging with people in need of support
or help. This can
include; working with older people, children and families, and
children/adults who may also
have physical or learning difficulties or mental health problems. It may
include life experience,
voluntary work, paid work or a mixture of all three. It could include
work through school,
church, youth or community groups. It can be part-time, full-time, or
sessional, but must be
sufficient to demonstrate your commitment and interest in social work as
a career choice.
Experience obtained through volunteering
For people whose full time jobs and/or financial commitments prevent
them from spending
long periods in unpaid employment, the most effective way of gaining
relevant experience
may be to undertake voluntary work in the evenings and/or weekends.
If you are unemployed you can undertake unpaid voluntary work and
continue to claim social
security benefits provided you are free to attend interviews and take up
a job if offered one.
Opportunities for voluntary work may be available within the Health and
Social Services Trusts
(HSST), hospitals, probation board, prisons, community groups, or more
commonly, voluntary
agencies. The addresses for voluntary agencies are listed in telephone
directories, public
libraries, or by contacting your local Citizen Advice Bureaux. A list of
the HSST and the main
voluntary organisations is available on pages 5-8 of this leaflet. Large
public libraries,
community centres, health centres and town halls usually have a notice
board advertising local
voluntary work opportunities. Some of the Health & Social Services
Boards Job Bulletins and
Newspapers such as the Belfast Telegraph (Tuesday/Friday), The
Irish News (Thursday) and
Newsletter (Thursday), and local weekly newspapers
also advertise vacancies.
Example of a volunteer:
Ravindra is 23 years old and is employed in the civil service. He
currently volunteers for a
youth justice agency. He has been with the agency for almost two years
now. This involves
being a mentor for a young boy who is currently in a care setting.
Ravindra spends two hours
every Thursday night with him. Sometimes they just meet for a chat, or
they may take part in
organised activities such as sports or craftwork at the centre. Ravindra
has been linked to
this one person for just over a year and finds this work very rewarding.
Volunteering has given
him the motivation and interest to look at starting a career in social
Experience obtained while at school
For school leavers, this relevant experience might include school-based
work in mentoring,
community projects, hospital visits, buddy or befriending schemes. It
could also include work
through youth or community groups with children or adults.
Example of a school leaver:
Lucy is studying for her A’ Levels. She has spent one afternoon per week
as part of her social
care module visiting the local centre for young adults with a learning
disability. She helps out
with social activities for the young people. This includes going
shopping with them, going on
outings and helping them develop their independence. Lucy has found this
work very
rewarding and enjoys working with the young people there. She has also
spent part of her
summer holidays working part-time at the centre. The experience she has
obtained has
sparked her interest in social work as career and she hopes to obtain a
place on the Degree
in Social Work after her A’ Levels.
Experience obtained while in paid employment in social care
Care assistant/support worker/ancillary worker posts can provide people
with enough
experience to apply for the Degree in Social Work.
Many Health and Social Services Trusts (HSST), voluntary and private agencies
social care staff in posts such as; care assistant, support worker,
residential social worker or
ancillary worker. Vacancies are normally advertised in the local press
and details may also be
available from local job centres and employment agencies. Some of the
Health & Social
Services Boards Job Bulletins also advertise vacancies. Details of
private care agencies and
employment agencies specialising in social care can be found in
telephone directories and in
advertisements in the social work press and in this leaflet. (See pages
Example of a paid social care worker:
Sheila is 35 years old and has worked as a home help for a health and
community trust for a
number of years. Her job involves providing personal care and support to
older people who
have no family support and are isolated and lonely. This work can
include helping with
housework, shopping, dressing, bathing and toileting and just the sight
of a friendly face can
make a real difference to their day-to-day life. Sheila has obtained
NVQ’s while in this post
and has now enrolled on an assess course at her local college. She hopes
this is the first
steps to obtaining a qualifed post and intends to apply for the Degree
in Social Work on
completion of her access course.
Life experience
Working as a carer to a family member or relative can provide relevant
life experience to
apply for the Degree in Social Work.
Example of a carer:
Jim is the main carer for his mother who has a mental illness. Two years
ago he realised that
the knowledge and background this experience has given could be put to
good use, to
undertake a job he knows he would love. He successfully obtained a job
as a advocacy
worker for a local carers group. This job allowed him to share his
experience with other
carers and has encouraged him to think about moving on to train
professionally as a social
worker. To this end he enrolled on a Open University distance learning
course in social
sciences where he has obtained an honours degree. He now hopes to apply
to undertake the
Degree in Social Work which he can undertake over two years as he holds
a relevant degree.
Health and Social Services Trusts in Northern Ireland
that employ
social care workers
Armagh & Dungannon HSS Trust
St Lukes Hospital
Loughall Road
BT61 7NQ
Tel 02837 522381
Causeway HSS Trust
8E Coleraine Road
BT53 6BP
Tel 02827 666600
Craigavon & Banbridge Community
HSS Trust
Bannvale House
Moyallen Road
BT63 5JX
Tel 02838 831983
Down Lisburn HSS Trust
Lisburn Health Centre
25 Linehall Street
BT28 1BH
Tel 02892 665181
Foyle HSS Trust
Riverview House
Abercorn Road
BT48 6SA
Tel 02871 266111
Homefirst Community Trust
The Cottage
5 Greenmount Avenue
BT43 6DA
Tel 02825 633700
Newry & Mourne HSS Trust
5 Downshire Place
BT34 1DZ
Tel 02830 260505
North & West Belfast HSS Trust
Glendinning House
6 Murray Street
Tel 02890 327156
South & East Belfast HSS Trust
Trust Headquarters
Knockbracken Healthcare Park
Saintfield Road
Tel 02890 565555
Sperrin Lakeland HSS Trust
Strathdene House
Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital
BT79 0NS
Tel 02882 244127
Ulster Community & Hospitals Trust
Health and Care Centre
39 Regent Street
BT23 4AD
Tel 02891 816666
Useful addresses for seeking voluntary work in NI.
Please note many of these organisations have branches across the
province and will be able
to provide contact details of the nearest one in your area.
Age Concern
3 Lower Crescent
Tel: 02890 245729
542-544 Upper Newtownards Road
Tel: 02890 672366
Belfast Central Mission
Grosvenor House
5 Glengall Street
BT12 5AD
Tel: 02890 241917
Bryson House
28 Bedford Street
Tel: 02890 325835
Camphill Community Holywood
8 Shore Road
Co Down
BT18 9HX
Tel: 02890 423203
Citizens Advice Bureau
11 Upper Crescent
Tel: 02890 231120
Corrymeela Community
8 Upper Crescent
Tel: 02890 508080
Extern Organisation
Graham House
1-5 Albert Square
Tel: 02890 241876
Home-Start East Belfast
116 Castlereagh Street
Tel: 02890 459429
4 Annadale Avenue
Tel: 02890 640121
Jennymount Court
North Derby Street
BT15 3HL
Tel: 02890 351135
North &West Housing
18 Magazine Street
BT48 6HH
Tel: 02871 263362
Northern Ireland Hospice
74 Somerton Road
BT15 3LH
Tel: 02890 781836
Northern Ireland Women’s Aid
129 University Street
Tel: 02890 249041
Townsend Enterprise Park
25-26 Townsend Street
BT13 2ES
Tel: 02890 504812
(Mental Health Charity)
29-31 Lisburn Road
Tel: 02890 234555
Probation Board for Northern Ireland
80-90 North Street
Tel: 02890 262400
Relate Northern Ireland
76 Dublin Road
Tel: 02890 315298
The Samaritans
5 Wellesley Avenue
Tel: 02890 664422
The Salvation Army
12 Station Mews
Tel: 02890 675000
Save the Children
15 Richmond Park
BT10 0HB
Tel: 02890 620000
Simon Community
57 Fitzroy Avenue
Tel: 02890 232882
Society of St Vincent De Paul
196-200 Antrim Road
BT15 2AJ
Tel: 02890 351561
Website: www.svp-ni.org
Triangle Housing Assoc. Ltd
60 Eastermede Gardens
BT53 6BD
Tel: 02827 666880
Turning Point
Youth Mentoring Project
29 Bridge Street
BT28 1XZ
Tel: 02892 665744
Victim Support NI
70 Ann Street
Tel: 02890 244039
Voluntary Service Belfast
70-72 Lisburn Road
Tel: 02890 200850
Volunteer Development Agency
Annsgate House
70-74 Ann Street
Tel: 02890 236100
Employment agencies for social care recruitment in NI
Aptus Personnel
2nd Floor
3-15 Pottingers Entry
T: 02890 248792
E: belfast@aptus-personnel.com
Beresford Blake Thomas
20 Adelaide Street
T: 028 90 517060
E: carebelfast@bbt.co.uk
Grafton Recruitment (Healthcare)
33 College Gardens
T: 028 90 665228
Premiere People
Hampden House
55 Royal Avenue
T: 028 90 235777
Rutledge Recruitment
54 Scotch Street
BT61 7DQ
T: 02837 527932
E: info@rutledgerecruitment.com
Social Work Education and Training in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Social Care Council provides information on social work
education and
training in Northern Ireland. Leaflets and information can be downloaded
from the website at
. Alternatively, contact the Information Service on
028 90417600 or email
Social Work Education and Training Outside Northern Ireland
If you would like information on social work education and training
outside Northern Ireland,
contact the following addresses:
General Social Care Council (England) – Tel: 0207 397 5100 www.gscc.org.uk
Care Council for Wales – Tel: 029 2022 6257 www.ccwales.org.uk
Scottish Social Services Council – Tel: 0845 603 0891 www.sssc.uk.com
Social work education and training information for the Republic of
Ireland can be obtained
National Social Work Qualifications Board (Dublin) – Tel: 003531 67
Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure that the
information contained in
this leaflet is accurate at the time of going to print, the Council does
not accept responsibility
for any errors or omissions in the information provided.
<a href="
" target="_blank"> Relevant Experience for Training to be a Social Worker in Northern Ireland.